60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

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Written By Monica

Hi, I'm Monica, a blogger passionate about offering practical tips on relationships, dating, and marriage. Join me as we explore the journey of love together!

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60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

Love is a lovely emotion that has many ways to be expressed, and ‘texting‘ is one of them. Most of the time, all we need is a gentle reminder from our special someone that we are appreciated.

Our burning passion can continue to burn despite our busy schedules. And without becoming stale, our connection can still be fiery and vibrant.

This, though, is not a passive wish that partners make. Loving someone is a choice we all make, and just like any other commitment, love is hard work. It calls for the dedication of quality time, the exchange of gifts, deeds of kindness, encouraging words, and physical contact.

So, to make sure that marriage isn’t like a cage full of boring habits, every day, couples have to come up with new ways to make their partners fall in love with them.

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

Sending flirtatious text messages to our lovers throughout busy days is one of the strategies. Think about your husband being preoccupied at work when suddenly a text message appears on his phone.

Reminding him how much you love him and can’t wait to be with him—your guess is as good as mine. Your husband will think exclusively of you all day. And after work, he’ll rush home to be with you.

Recently, I’ve been using a few flirtatious texts that I’m happy to share with you. Keep reading, my dear, because to keep that spark sparkling in your relationship, all you need is below:

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

Flirty Texts To Send Him

1. Your love has a constant hold over me. I feel both strong and weak in the presence of your affection.

2. I wish you were here or I were there or we were together anywhere.

3. I can’t see you, but I’m thinking about you.

4. I’m still carrying the smile you gave me.

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

5. I’m bad at starting conversations. Do you want to try?

6. Should we put the children to bed early tonight?

7. I was sweating when I woke up today. Not because it was too hot to deal with in the morning, but because my thoughts of you were too hot to deal with.

8. Right now, I’d love to feel your hands wandering over my entire body.

9. Wanna make out later?

10. I don’t like that you are so far away; do you always have to be?

11. Do you want to make a mess of the bed with me tonight?

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

12. As the day winds down, my “heart’s beat” for you becomes increasingly rapid and noticeable. As soon as the sun goes down and night takes over, I start missing you terribly.

13. You are one of the very few people I like out of the many people I don’t like.

14. Suddenly, all the love songs have turned out to be about you.

15. When the stars light up the sky at night, all I want to do is look into your dreamy eyes. And when it’s time for bed, I wish you were here so we could go on a dreamy ride together.

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

Flirty Texts To Send Him

16. Can’t wait to see you…

17. My attention seems to be drawn to you every minute. Never a moment goes by that I don’t think of you or miss having you here.

18. Right now, I would do anything to curl up next to you, put my head on your chest, and lock my fingers with yours.

19. I want to always be able to look up at you and smile. I want to be able to tell you, whenever I want, how I feel about you.

20. I just finished taking a bath. Want to come help me get dry?

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

21. My mind won’t let me stop thinking about you. It always comes back to you. I love you and miss you so much.

22. I wish I could tell you how your eyes make me feel excited and how hearing your voice gives me butterflies. When you smile, my heart skips a beat, and when I’m with you, I feel like I’m whole.

23. I can’t help but think about you all the time. I feel so lost and sad without you. You are the only thing that makes me happy, and the time I spend with you is my prize. I haven’t forgotten about you. We miss you.

24. The good things in my life are even better because of you.

25. I’m daydreaming of your kiss.

26. I have a surprise for you later.

27. I’m imagining you were here…

28. You’ve been on my mind since..

58.  I'll obsessively stare at my phone until you text back, so please do so soon, love.

29. Do you think about me? Sure or sure.

30. How about a hot date later on?

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

These text messages are not specific at times when to be sent. They can be sent to him in the morning or in the middle of the day when he’s at work. Or at night, to stir up his memory before going to bed!  Let`s continue.

31. Guess what I am wearing right now?

32. I wish you were here…

33. Everywhere I look, I see you and think of how much I love you. You are all I have. I can’t help but think about you.

34. Miss your face!

58.  I'll obsessively stare at my phone until you text back, so please do so soon, love.

35. I have a plan for the evening. Do you want a naked bear hug?

36. Want to have some fun tonight?

37. The only time my face will light up when I check my phone is when I get a text from you.

38. Can’t wait until you’re home!

39. Do you know that you’re lovely?

40. I wish you could hold me.

41. Do you want to cut to the chase and ask me out on a date?

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

42. On your way home? I’ll fill up the bath.

43. Do you want to grab a cup of coffee sometime? It`s a date!

44. I bought a new outfit to wear tonight.

45. I want you here now..

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

46. Love, want to come over? I’m bored.

47. Last night was Uh-mazing!

48. Tomorrow is my day off; would you like to make a day of it?

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

49. Can we cuddle up and watch a movie together tonight if you have nothing planned?

50. Hello there! Have a nice day. I wish you a sexy day.

51. I was just thinking about how much I think about you, so I decided to let you know.

52. Thinking of you…

53. There’s a new song out, and the words took me back to you.

54. Even though I haven’t seen you yet today, I can already tell that you look fantastic.

55. I got up early with the intention of getting some work done. But all my mind can do is think about you.

56. I’ll obsessively stare at my phone until you text back, so please do so soon, love.

58.  I'll obsessively stare at my phone until you text back, so please do so soon, love.

57. If you didn’t know it already, I am madly in love with you.

58. Do you want to wear matching jammies to the Christmas party with me?

59. Have you ever been told that you have appealing eyes?

60. I’m having strange things happen to me. I keep dreaming of you even when I am wide awake.

Final Thoughts:

60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

In short, these lines range from truly romantic to cutely affectionate. And each one is a unique way to show how you feel. As always, the key is to make sure the words fit the mood and stage of your relationship at the time.

This text gives you a lot of ways to connect emotionally with someone important in your life. Whether you want to show deep love or just a little admiration, it can do the trick.

The idea behind these flirty text messages is to keep his mind engaged all day, leaving him anticipating. Making him want more and keeping him on the edge of his seat.

Play with him and tease him. Make him want you so much that he will beg for more. This will make him think of you all the time and make him want you even more.

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60 Flirty Text Messages To Keep Him Thinking of You

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